Thursday, August 18, 2011

Abraham Lincoln on Slavery

Who better to say something simple yet completely profound. Summing up the necessary attitude of the American and Christian relating to slavery.

The great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln wrote in a letter dated April 4, 1864 to A.G. Hodges "If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong."

This is the state that the world is living in. Nothing to the world is wrong. But we are not the world.

If we as Americans watch the liberties given to us by our Creator, be taken from others that are forced into 'secret' slavery, then can we say that we stand for what is truly the idea of America?
And further can we say that we are living for Christ if we ignore the fact that some people are forcefully, being prevented from hearing the Gospel of Christ?

The common thread that America and Christianity share is that, they both are not tangible items that can be purchased or attained but rather something lives inside of us. Something that defines our character, an cherished idea and belief that sets us apart in the world.

We must, as an requirement of who we say we are, engage in an action that denounces and displaces the very foundations of what is the greatest atrocity known to man.

Words are powerful when directed to purpose but actions are needed to support the words we use.

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